How to create a url- and seo-friendly string in C# (text to slug generator)

Tutorial and how to guide on creating a url- and seo-friendly string and in C# and make a slug generator

How to: Create URL- and SEO-friendly slugs in C#

So, the other day I stumbled upon a discussion on StackOverflow about generating a url friendly slug. I found the problem quite interesting and decided to give it a go on solving this in .NET Core.

The problem

When creating pages we want the url to be readable for humans and SEO bots. And the problem was basically that you often have a text, title or string that is not url friendly. For this we often use some sort of slugifying function to turn the text into something that is both compatible with browser and readable to humans.

E.g. lets say we have the text ICH MUß EINEN CRÈME BRÛLÉE HABEN (which is german for I must have a Crême Brûlée).

This text cant be used as a url since it has spaces, diacritics and international character. It's also not very SEO friendly.

The solution

Instead we would like something simpler to use in our url e.g. isch-muss-einen-creme-brulee-haben.

To do this we need to:

  1. Normalize the text
  2. Remove all diacritics
  3. Replace international character
  4. Be able to shorten text to match SEO thresholds

I also had the criteria that it must be compatible with .NET 4.5+ and .NET Core

NOTE A lot of the solutions to the problem that was found in the thread worked just fine but had some "performance issues" when slugifying larger quantities and was not fully optimized. The only high performing code sample I found was this one. But it was a bit buggy so I tried a more modern version of it.

The code


I wanted a function to generate the entire string and also to have an input for a possible max length, this was the result.

1public static class StringHelper
3 /// <summary>
4 /// Creates a URL And SEO friendly slug
5 /// </summary>
6 /// <param name="text">Text to slugify</param>
7 /// <param name="maxLength">Max length of slug</param>
8 /// <returns>URL and SEO friendly string</returns>
9 public static string UrlFriendly(string text, int maxLength = 0)
10 {
11 // Return empty value if text is null
12 if (text == null) return "";
14 var normalizedString = text
15 // Make lowercase
16 .ToLowerInvariant()
17 // Normalize the text
18 .Normalize(NormalizationForm.FormD);
20 var stringBuilder = new StringBuilder();
21 var stringLength = normalizedString.Length;
22 var prevdash = false;
23 var trueLength = 0;
25 char c;
27 for (int i = 0; i < stringLength; i++)
28 {
29 c = normalizedString[i];
31 switch (CharUnicodeInfo.GetUnicodeCategory(c))
32 {
33 // Check if the character is a letter or a digit if the character is a
34 // international character remap it to an ascii valid character
35 case UnicodeCategory.LowercaseLetter:
36 case UnicodeCategory.UppercaseLetter:
37 case UnicodeCategory.DecimalDigitNumber:
38 if (c < 128)
39 stringBuilder.Append(c);
40 else
41 stringBuilder.Append(ConstHelper.RemapInternationalCharToAscii(c));
43 prevdash = false;
44 trueLength = stringBuilder.Length;
45 break;
47 // Check if the character is to be replaced by a hyphen but only if the last character wasn't
48 case UnicodeCategory.SpaceSeparator:
49 case UnicodeCategory.ConnectorPunctuation:
50 case UnicodeCategory.DashPunctuation:
51 case UnicodeCategory.OtherPunctuation:
52 case UnicodeCategory.MathSymbol:
53 if (!prevdash)
54 {
55 stringBuilder.Append('-');
56 prevdash = true;
57 trueLength = stringBuilder.Length;
58 }
59 break;
60 }
62 // If we are at max length, stop parsing
63 if (maxLength > 0 && trueLength >= maxLength)
64 break;
65 }
67 // Trim excess hyphens
68 var result = stringBuilder.ToString().Trim('-');
70 // Remove any excess character to meet maxlength criteria
71 return maxLength <= 0 || result.Length <= maxLength ? result : result.Substring(0, maxLength);
72 }


This helper is used for remapping some international characters to a readable one instead.

1public static class ConstHelper
3 /// <summary>
4 /// Remaps international characters to ascii compatible ones
5 /// based of:
6 /// </summary>
7 /// <param name="c">Charcter to remap</param>
8 /// <returns>Remapped character</returns>
9 public static string RemapInternationalCharToAscii(char c)
10 {
11 string s = c.ToString().ToLowerInvariant();
12 if ("àåáâäãåą".Contains(s))
13 {
14 return "a";
15 }
16 else if ("èéêëę".Contains(s))
17 {
18 return "e";
19 }
20 else if ("ìíîïı".Contains(s))
21 {
22 return "i";
23 }
24 else if ("òóôõöøőð".Contains(s))
25 {
26 return "o";
27 }
28 else if ("ùúûüŭů".Contains(s))
29 {
30 return "u";
31 }
32 else if ("çćčĉ".Contains(s))
33 {
34 return "c";
35 }
36 else if ("żźž".Contains(s))
37 {
38 return "z";
39 }
40 else if ("śşšŝ".Contains(s))
41 {
42 return "s";
43 }
44 else if ("ñń".Contains(s))
45 {
46 return "n";
47 }
48 else if ("ýÿ".Contains(s))
49 {
50 return "y";
51 }
52 else if ("ğĝ".Contains(s))
53 {
54 return "g";
55 }
56 else if (c == 'ř')
57 {
58 return "r";
59 }
60 else if (c == 'ł')
61 {
62 return "l";
63 }
64 else if (c == 'đ')
65 {
66 return "d";
67 }
68 else if (c == 'ß')
69 {
70 return "ss";
71 }
72 else if (c == 'þ')
73 {
74 return "th";
75 }
76 else if (c == 'ĥ')
77 {
78 return "h";
79 }
80 else if (c == 'ĵ')
81 {
82 return "j";
83 }
84 else
85 {
86 return "";
87 }
88 }


To the function would work something like this

1const string text = "ICH MUß EINIGE CRÈME BRÛLÉE HABEN";
3// Output:
4// ich-muss-einige-creme-brulee-haben

The code seems to be working and you can find the entire source code here on GitHub with some samples.

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